Use "take|taken|takes|taking|took" in a sentence

1. The auction house typically takes a cut of the vendor's taking.

2. The past tense of 'take' is 'took'.

3. Take/have A day off I’m taking a …

4. It'll take another couple weeks until it takes hold.

5. Dissection here takes place on cadavers or using tissue taken from them.

6. It reportedly took more than 50 takes to achieve a satisfactory rendition.

7. The past of the verb 'take' is 'took'.

8. * It takes time to address such matters, but take heart!

9. It takes three hours(sentencedict .com), whichever route you take.

10. I took the cut, I can take the stitch.

11. What's taking the bus so long? Maybe the bus driver took a knap .

12. The idea of unions balloting their members before taking industrial action took hold.

13. It takes a human being for babies to take their statistics.

14. And what was taken from us, we will take back.

15. Okay take turns rolling the dice and taking that many cubes.

16. At the turn of the century, the Internet takes off, reality television has taken hold.

17. We took off from the shuttle landing facility, where the shuttle takes off and lands.

18. Take the doctor instructions before taking Buy Clomid (Clomifene) Capsules Dosage

19. Carelessness: failure to take the care that a cautious person usually takes

20. From brown to polar Bears, grown to baby Bears - all taken in breath taking environement

21. transport of pollution across national boundaries taking account of measures taken in accession candidate countries

22. A creature taking persistent bleed damage from Caltrops takes a –5-foot penalty to its Speed.

23. It took only eight minutes for Portadown to take the lead.

24. 4 I took the chance to take stock of the room.

25. It took them a whole day to take the enemy fortress.

26. That's gonna take you back towards where he took your folks.

27. When taking, take the place of with juiceTea, add touch saccharic flavor.

28. Some Artifacts take up a slot, while some do not.If another artifact that takes up a slot is used while you already have one taking up an artifact slot, it will replace the

29. Decisions are taken by each Member State individually taking full account of the Code of Conduct.

30. The real profit takes into account the profitability of a product after taking refunded products into consideration.

31. Synonyms for Bused include transported, delivered, took, taken, moved, carried, conveyed, journeyed, travelled and traveled

32. Being or taking a roundabout, lengthy course: took a Circuitous route to avoid the accident site.

33. (h) transport of pollution across national boundaries taking account of measures taken in accession candidate countries.

34. the road in the end taking the path the sun had taken into the western sea

35. 13 Given Mr Mertz's success since taking over in 19 his prediction should be taken seriously.

36. They took their first steps into the music world as Take One.

37. Being or taking a roundabout, lengthy course: took a Circuitous route to avoid the accident site

38. The liquefaction sometimes takes place almost immediately, but can take hours or even days.

39. What had taken us well over 100 years took the slime mold just over a day.

40. I took her to a homoeopath, who started by taking a very long and detailed case history.

41. If each took just one second, the process would take over nine days.

42. What they could not take by political intrigue they took by 'gunboat diplomacy' .

43. ▪ Picture Taking: If you take pictures, no flash should be used during sessions.

44. It usually takes 150 Commends per 1 hour, but can take longer depending on demand

45. It takes about three days to take on colors that accurately match their resting surface.

46. After gall-stone operation spile, stone was not taken clean, what method can take stone clean? Can you take medicine eliminate?

47. As the proposal document took shape it was taken back to faculties in draft form for verification.

48. Noun something taken for granted; a supposition: a correct Assumption. the act of taking for granted or supposing

49. Belle and Belle+ are shower-proof mobile help buttons designed to be taken wherever your busy life takes you

50. Cautiousness Cautiousness is “taking the time to make sure the right decision is made or action is taken”

51. Related to Counted for: call on, To take in, acCounted for, finalised, took over

52. Instead of taking me to the departure lounge they took me right to my seat on the plane.

53. So, those 40 of you who took the car to work, take the bus.

54. It takes a value between # corresponding to absolute equality, and # corresponding to absolute inequality (equivalent to one household taking everything

55. You take one pair of ends, your willing helper takes the other, and off you go.

56. Addictive definition: If a drug is Addictive , people who take it cannot stop taking it

57. I insist on your taking/insist that you take immediate action to put this right.

58. The lead time as shown is the time taken between the order being made and the delivery taking place.

59. After the hospital took their own X rays, EKG, and blood tests, Tiarah was taken to a room.

60. You should not take any such products up to # weeks after you have taken Gliolan

61. Having taken down their call centre costs, why would they not take this income stream?

62. In calculating P, account is taken of the take-up rate of those ancillary services;

63. 8 He took the time to take stock of the situation before making the offer.

64. It took Jennifer a long time to catch on to the fact that Mary was taking advantage of her.

65. A prohibition or restriction shall only apply to action taken after the measures take effect.

66. They did not know which way to take, and so took up an idle life.

67. Since taking office, we have encouraged state governments to take an active role in export promotion.

68. Synonyms for Babysat include took care of, taken care of, watched, minded, oversaw, overseen, supervised, childminded, guarded and kept

69. How long did it take you redecorate this bathroom? It took me a whole month.

70. 28 My sister takes after my father appearance. On the other hand , I take after my mother.

71. You send us the design, and our service takes we take care of the tote Bag printing.

72. And, it takes about the same time as it would take to fly to Chennai from Delhi.

73. ▪ Picture Taking: If you take pictures during the sessions, please do not use a flash.

74. 20 Every last bit of unkempt hedge in our front garden was taking the same attitude it had always taken.

75. Christian pilgrim takes time during Easter celebrations to have her photo taken outside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem.

76. Once it had taken ten hours to turn a particular cannon projectile; now it took an hour and a half.

77. But that takes forever, it's very expensive, and so it's quite risky to take those big boats out.

78. The journey should only take about 30 minutes, but in practice it usually takes more like an hour.

79. The rest of it's taken up with " take your elbows off the table " and " pass the ketchup. "

80. 29 What measures are taken for the student administration? What activities do the students take after classes?